Why Taylor Swift is a Personal Brand Queen [BONUS EPISODE]

#67: Why Taylor Swift is a Personal Brand Queen [BONUS EPISODE]

It’s no secret that I’m a huge Taylor Swift fan. I love her music of course, but I’m continually impressed by her marketing prowess and the foresight she has when it comes to her music and brand. This bonus episode explores the four R’s of personal branding and how Taylor nails every single one.

It’s no secret that I’m a huge Taylor Swift fan. I love her music of course, but I’m continually impressed by her marketing prowess and the foresight she has when it comes to her music and brand. This bonus episode explores the four R’s of personal branding and how Taylor nails every single one.

  • My interest in Taylor Swift over the years
  • 1989 obsession
  • Reputation and where you are showing up online
  • Rapport and connection with your ideal audience
  • How Taylor stays in control of the conversation
  • Relationship and the customer experience
  • Surprise and delight marketing
  • The possibilities for business and connection with social media
  • Refining and evolving your brand
  • The eras of Taylor Swift
  • Being true to yourself

A few highlights from this episode:

[4:50] – It really just drives the point home that this woman is just incredible when it comes to personal branding.

[6:54] – The thing that is so interesting about Taylor Swift is that ultimately she really controls the conversation that’s happening around her online.

[8:22] – When it comes to your reputation, a lot of the time what we’re talking about is where are you online and picking a platform. I think a lot of the time people think that they need to be everywhere, and that’s really not the case. It’s where do you want to be, where are your people.

[19:30] – This is where Taylor really shines because the woman is never the same. She is constantly changing. Her personal brand evolves as she evolves. 

Taylor Swift is a queen when it comes to personal branding! The most radical thing is that she has continued to stay true to herself even as her brand has evolved. I think this can give us permission to be a little radical within our own lives too.

Some of the best conversations happen after the show in my private Facebook group, Take It Personally Podcast. Click here to join in!

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