Syncing Your Business with Your Cycle with Jenna Christianson

#41: Syncing Your Business with Your Cycle with Jenna Christianson

Alright folks, buckle up! We are talking about periods today, and this episode feels like a long time coming. It was before I got pregnant with my third child that I started seeing posts from Jenna and other holistic health practitioners about period health and how our cycle can impact so many other things, and therefore, often impact our business.

Alright folks, buckle up! We are talking about periods today, and this episode feels like a long time coming. It was before I got pregnant with my third child that I started seeing posts from Jenna and other holistic health practitioners about period health and how our cycle can impact so many other things, and therefore, often impact our business.

I think that so often, as young girls, we are not told about the way that cycle tracking can impact our health and wellbeing and just our understanding of our body. So often I think we’re kind of taught that periods are this thing we should dread and it’s normal to have all these symptoms – while they may be common, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are normal. 

Over roughly the past two years, I have really come to understand my cycle better. I cannot tell you the impact that it has had on my business and my life just understanding the times of the month where I am excited to be up on stage in front of a group of people and the times of the month where I don’t want to leave my house and just want to watch Netflix or the times where I can get really focused work done but don’t want to talk to anyone else.

If you notice feeling the same way throughout the month, that is actually really normal, so stop beating yourself up because you can’t be “on” all the time! That’s why I am so excited to talk to our guest today, Jenna Chirstianson, because she has opened my eyes to women’s health and period health and how it can affect your life and business.

Here are some of the things we discussed in this episode:

  • About Jenna
  • Why tracking your cycle can be helpful
  • Differences between men and women’s hormones
  • Phases of the menstrual cycle and how our cycle can give an insight to our overall health (follow along on this graph)
  • Fertility Awareness Method
  • What to expect with each phase (mood, energy, etc.)
  • What to do within your business during each phase
  • Supporting your overall health and cycle (lymphatic drainage, sleep, hydration, etc.)
  • How to work with Jenna

A few highlights from this episode:

[4:17] – Ultimately, just in life, we get to view wellness as an asset for ourselves but also in work as well. Obviously if we are feeling better or well, we’re working better. We are just living life to its fullest.

[5:12] I’m just big about women understanding their physiology and using that knowledge to their advantage. It might seem overwhelming at times, but truly, it’s our body communicating to us about what’s going on. We just need to tune into that and then ultimately not ignore the signs and symptoms we are being given and instead, embrace them. 

[8:58] – Just knowing our estrogen and progesterone levels are not the same day in and day out, again, why are we expecting ourselves to perform the same?

[35:13] – I think it’s so important if you are noticing off the wall symptoms just to start tracking and see if this is occurring every single month and then kind of going from there.

Such a fun conversation! I love chatting about this and think it’s definitely something that should be talked about more as our cycle can impact our overall health so much, along with impacting how we approach things within our business. You can connect with Jenna on social media platforms @nutritiouslyjenna and

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