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Friday Favorites 2.15.18

Hello friends and happy (mid) February! Since it’s been a hot minute since I posted a few of my favorite things (and suddenly I hear Julie Andrews…) I thought I’d pop in today and show you guys what I’m loving.

Kiddo Wall Art

You guys probably know by now that my fave way to decorate is by using my kids. They’re so dang cute, I can’t help it! I’ve seen this poster wall art all over Pinterest and thought it would be really, especially now that I have two cute faces to use.

I bribed my kids with chocolate chips (#reallife) and backed them up against a wall in our living room next to a window for the best light. Our living room gets decent natural light, but it’s pretty directional and can be harsh for photography, so it wasn’t ideal but it worked. Our old house had the BEST light and I seriously miss it at times like this. I digress!

I dropped the photos into Photoshop and applied my black and white preset, touched up the background a little, and called it a day. I sent them to a friend at Alphagraphics to print, but you could also use Costco, UPS, Fedex, etc. I ended up getting them printed on a higher quality large format paper/printer, but this project is actually intended to be done on engineering prints – which are less than $5 a pop for a 20×30. Score!

I got frames similar to these, and that was that. I may eventually replace the frames with something a bit sturdier (like the IKEA RIBBA frames, which I’ve had before and liked), but these are great for now. And this project came in under $50. Not bad!

Homemade Iced Coffee

By now I’m assuming you know that I am in a serious relationship with my Nespresso machine. It’s the coolest gadget and I love making fancy coffee with it in the afternoon. I was super intimidated by it, but it’s actually really simple to run.

I will often do hot, black coffee in the morning, and iced in the afternoon. I’ve been loving using the espresso pods (any pod, just make sure it’s espresso and not coffee so it only makes about 1.5 oz.), and brewing them over ice. I KNOW that I have waxed poetic before about how brewing coffee over ice is a cardinal sin, but I promise it is different for espresso 😉 The strength of the pod makes it okay!

Once it’s brewed, I’ll add almond milk and a little Hershey syrup. SO. GOOD. You can add vanilla or almond extract too, which is delicious. Honestly, the possibilities are endless.

If you’re in the market for a Nespresso, this is the one I have. If you want great iced/cold coffee without the fancy machine, check out this post from a while ago about cold brew. It’s the easiest thing you’ve ever done and still my fave way to make coffee.

Quantico on Netflix

I fell down the deep, dark Netflix binge hole again and I’ve come out on the other side to tell you that Quantico is SO GOOD and you need to go check it out NOW. I just started season 3, and while it’s nowhere near as good as seasons 1 and 2, it’s holding my attention enough. Highly recommend (at least the first two seasons).

The Wishing Elephant

I am freaking obsessed with this shop, you guys. I ordered Veda this sweatshirt because it’s totally her aesthetic, and it came today. So. Stinking. Cute. I am eyeing this sweatshirt for Simon and this matching one for Veda for St. Patty’s day. I don’t usually go too crazy with holiday apparel, BUT St. Patrick’s Day is also my dad’s birthday, and therefore a family holiday, so we go big. And by go big I mean, dress the kids cute for a parade and then leave them with a sitter so we can all pub crawl. Ha!

AND GUESS WHAT!? I reached out to the shop to see if they had any current promos I could tell you guys about, and they made one for you! You can use the code ‘maddie’ for 15% off your order for the next month. Seriously, go buy all the baby/kiddo sweatshirts. And then let’s get together and do a photo shoot because I die.

Little Sleepies jammies

This is kiiiiind of self indulgent of me, but I’ve been working with this pajama company and am SO EXCITED that the collection we shot will launch next week! It’s seriously adorable and the jammies are amazing. Super high quality and crazy soft. All the moms at the shoot fell in love with them, and a few of them have ordered them since! AND Khloe Kardashian shared a video on Facebook of her little babe wearing them for Valentine’s Day – what!? Anyway, go follow them everywhere and stalk the site because they’re so dang cute. And if you’re in the market for some cute kiddo jams, check them out next week for the launch!! I can’t wait to share photos.

This post contains affiliate links + discount codes for things I love. This means that at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission through some of the things you purchase. I would never promote something I have not tried myself and love. Thank you for your support!

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If I’m giving you my elevator pitch, I’m a Sioux Falls, South Dakota, brand photographer and educator for creative women.

Why I walked away from my biggest client


EverythinG I did before I quit my Job


How I deal with imposter Syndome


Charge your Airpods. This is gonna be good.

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