Everything Changed When I Started Doing THIS for Brand Sessions

#124: Everything Changed When I Started Doing THIS for Brand Sessions

As a baby brand photographer, I would sometimes get frustrated after delivering photos to clients and having them not use their photos. It wasn’t because they didn’t like the photos. They sent positive reviews and sent referrals even. But they wouldn’t post their photos.

As a baby brand photographer, I would sometimes get frustrated after delivering photos to clients and having them not use their photos. It wasn’t because they didn’t like the photos. They sent positive reviews and sent referrals even. But they wouldn’t post their photos.

The consensus was often that they were overwhelmed, didn’t know where to start, or were busy with the next step in their business by the time they got their images back. I even implemented additional steps like offering post-session strategy calls, Loom video instructions, and an after session guide, but it still wasn’t working.

It wasn’t until I switched around my approach that I was able to not only better plan for my client’s sessions but also help them have a plan for when they got their images back. This episode is talking about what I changed. Here are the highlights:

00:36 Enhancing Brand Sessions with Post-Session Support
02:25 A Lightbulb Moment for a New Approach
02:58 The Power of the Discovery Call
05:09 Designing Sessions with Strategy and Purpose
06:09 The Importance of Asking the Right Questions
10:51 The Impact of Strategic Planning on Brand Photography


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If I’m giving you my elevator pitch, I’m a Sioux Falls, South Dakota, brand photographer and educator for creative women.

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