Are Your Thoughts Making Your Business Harder?

#126: Are Your Thoughts Making Your Business Harder?

This episodes discusses the transformative impact of positive thinking and mindset work on running a photography business. When running your own business, it can be easy to have negative thoughts, get discouraged, or experience jealousy. I think everyone’s been there.

This episodes discusses the transformative impact of positive thinking and mindset work on running a photography business. When running your own business, it can be easy to have negative thoughts, get discouraged, or experience jealousy. I think everyone’s been there.

But learning to recognize unhelpful thoughts and reframe them can make a huge impact on how you show up in your business. This episode shares tips for overcoming these challenges. Here are the highlights:

01:11 The Impact of Mindset on Business Success
03:56 Navigating Negative Thoughts and Reframing Your Mindset
10:39 Practical Steps to Shift Your Business Mindset
13:27 Real-World Examples of Mindset Shifting in Action
15:56 Encouragement to Embrace Mindset Work for Business Growth

Your thoughts are powerful and really do affect your business! Don’t let the hard stuff cause you to give up early. Keep going. Keep talking about the thing that you do. Keep creating. And you can only do that if your mind is in the right place.


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If I’m giving you my elevator pitch, I’m a Sioux Falls, South Dakota, brand photographer and educator for creative women.

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