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Dusty and Kelsi | Le Mars Engagement Portraits

I met Kelsi and Dusty in college at the end of my sophomore year. I met Dusty first, because EVERYONE knew Dusty. He was the campus giant teddy bear and everyone loved him. So, when I met Kelsi, it was easy for me to understand why she loved him too!
These two actually started dating in high school – adorable, right? I love seeing couples commit to growing old together, when they’ve already really grown up together – there’s something SO COOL and unique about that. Spending your teenage years with your spouse isn’t something everyone gets to do! You can totally tell that these two know each other inside and out. They love each other, but they’re best friends. I just LOVE that.

Mad Photo and Design Engagement Photographer

It was so cool for me to spend time with these two to take their engagement photos. I had always seen their fun, couple side; but they have so much CHEMISTRY, too! When I’m with couples, I give them actions to do more than I give poses. At one point, I told Kelsi to look at me and Dusty to look down at Kelsi. Dusty asked if he was supposed to smile, and I responded, “Yeah…you don’t have to cheese out, but just look at her like you’re super in love and she’s the best girl ever.”

He replied, “Oh, I can do that,” and proceeded to look at Kelsi in a way I won’t forget. MELT MY HEART, why dontchya!?


Mad Photo and Design Engagement Photographer Mad Photo and Design Engagement PhotographerCongrats Kelsi and Dusty! Your wedding is going to be a great day, and your marriage will be even better – I just know it!


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Why I walked away from my biggest client


EverythinG I did before I quit my Job


How I deal with imposter Syndome


Charge your Airpods. This is gonna be good.

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